Tile Replacement After Plumbing Repair
Partially Demolished Tile Floor
A plumber in Scottsdale, Arizona had to cut out a pipe and remove a series of wood-look, plank-style tiles to get to the galvanized plumbing. The homeowner called a tile installation contractor to do tile replacement after the plumbing repair. He had purchased extra tiles when the floor was initially installed for just such an occasion.
Trouble Finding a Qualified Contractor
Unfortunately, the contractor was unable to repair the floor to the homeowner’s satisfaction. The homeowner called a second contractor who also was unable to do the repair.
Finally, the homeowner decided to reach out to Beyond Stone Solutions. We assured him that as a reputable stone and tile restoration company that also provides stellar installation services, we could resolve this problem.
Substrate Prep is Crucial for Proper Tile Installation
We would need to undo some of the incorrect work in order to complete this repair correctly. Our first step was to mask and protect the surfaces surrounding our work area.
To ensure proper adhesion of the new tiles, we prepared the substrate. This involved scraping away existing thinset and mastic adhesive residue from the slab and the edges of surrounding tiles.
We noticed in the kitchen the substrate was not level. Some installers make the mistake of using thinset to create a level tile surface, but this method would eventually result in loose and missing grout and cracked tiles. To make the substrate level, we poured flowable hydraulic cement underlayment. Industry pros usually call this product “self-leveling underlayment,” but the name is deceptive. Flowable underlayment must be constantly monitored and adjusted. Once the substrate height was correct and the product cured, we installed the kitchen tiles.
We used the same processes in both bathrooms before installing new tile.
Since existing tile had to be cut to accomodate the new tile installation, we made those cuts at a doorway and a closet, both areas where people are accustomed to seeing transitions.
The homeowner was so relieved to have his house back in order. He was glad he found us.
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