Scottsdale Flagstone Repaired and Restored
Flagstone Pool and Patio Area in Disrepair
Homeowners in Scottsdale, Arizona, had a stunning outdoor space. Unfortunately, they were facing some challenges with their exterior flagstone surfaces. They contacted Beyond Stone Solutions to schedule a consultation in the hopes that damage such as cracked and missing grout could be repaired and broken, loose pieces of flagstone in the pool area could be replaced. We assured them we could accomplish these things and more to make a dramatic difference in their backyard oasis.
Our Flagstone Repair and Restoration Process
Cracked and missing grout lines obviously have a negative impact on the appearance of a flagstone installation, but more importantly, such problems require attention for structural and safety reasons. The closest color match possible was Oyster Grey, and we enhanced the grout with silica sand to provide additional texture. We removed any loose pieces and filled in any missing areas with the new grout.
In the pool area, we cut, removed, and replaced a few small pieces of flagstone at the face of the coping. This repair work restored the integrity of the installation and improved its appearance.
Finally, we deep cleaned using an acid mixture to effectively remove dirt and rust stains from the flagstone. We applied a neutralizing solution and removed any residue and sealed the stone with a commercial grade sealer.
The homeowners thought the results of the restoration project were remarkable. They especially loved how the luster of the stone had been restored, and they were looking forward to comfortably enjoying the space once again. Read the review.
To learn more, visit our Outdoor Stone and Hardscapes page.

Our highly skilled and talented team is ready to turn your vision into a reality.